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Written by Administrator | 04 December 2010
SUSI for Student Leaders on New Media and Politics:
Participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in new media and politics, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Graphic Design, History and Government, Information Technology or Computer Science, Foreign Policy, International Affairs, Journalism, Literature, Media, Photography, and Public Relations. The Institute will take place over the course of five weeks from approximately June 25 to July 30, 2011, and will be hosted by Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois.

SUSI for Student Leaders on Global Environmental Issues:
Participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in the environment, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Agriculture, Biology, Ecotourism, Engineering, Environmental Law, Environmental Science, International Affairs, Public Policy, and Sustainable Development. The Institute will take place over the course of five weeks from approximately July 2 to August 6, 2011, and will be hosted by the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana.

General Qualifications:
- Be fluent in English;
- Be 18 and 25 years of age or younger;
- Have completed at least one semester of university and have at least one semester of coursework remaining in their university studies;
- Be committed to returning home to complete their degree;
- Demonstrate strong leadership qualities;
- Indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States;
- Have a sustained high level of academic achievement, as indicated by grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;
- Have demonstrated commitment to community and extracurricular university activities;
- Have had little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere outside of their home country;
- Be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, and inquisitive;
- Be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive academic program, community service, and educational travel;
- Be comfortable with campus life, prepared to share living accommodations, and able to make adjustments to cultural and social practices different from those of their home country;
- Students with limited or no prior travel or study in the U.S. will be given preference.

All candidates must submit a complete application according to the attached format and translate all information into English. Please note that submitting a CV alone is not adequate for application purposes.

Please return the completed application form and nominating justification electronically to reniartii@state.govThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by December 23, 2010.


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